bloom PK 1ltr


bloom PK 1ltr

  • Promotes flowering in the plant through phosphorus and potassium availability
  • Highly concentrated with potassium solubilised with phosphorus
  • Potassium and phosphorus are important elements that promote flowering
  • Only used in a ‘run to waste system’
  • In the ‘bloom Advanced Floriculture’ system you do not need to reduce your fertilizer application to use this product
  • Can be used in any growing method, growing medium, indoors and outdoors – simply consult the relevant feed schedule for application rates to suit your system (or develop your own method)



Potassium and phosphorus.



Run to waste                        1ml per litre



Run to waste:           300ml = 300L           1L = 1000L   2.5L = 2500L

bloom products

bloom is a pioneer in natural science and has developed a range of products to produce the best results for your floriculture system.

Our bloom product range is blended with organic based ingredients, mostly derived from plants, fungi or the earth.